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Cylinder Actuated Y-type Control Valves
Van ch? Y
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Van c?u
Van bi
Van b??m
Van màng
Van 1 chi?u
Van c?ng
Series d?t may
Series LNG
Series th?c ph?m
Van tay v?n
Cylinder Actuated Y-type Control Valves
Cylinder Actuated Control Valves
Bellows Sealed Globe Valve
Inverted Bucket.Steam Traps
Safety valve
Congratulations! To the excellent performance in 2014 Crossing Gaul (France) 1190 Super Marathon
2014 Tham gia t? ch?c cu?c thi ch?y France Gaul
2014 Xay nhà máy m?i ? Mai Liao
2013.04.30 Nh?n ???c ch?ng nh?n ISO 15848-1 (Organic Compounds Emissions- VOC)
2013.03.15 Nh?n ???c ch?ng nh?n TS do China National Standard c?p
2013.01 Thành l?p trung tam v?n t?i ? Trung Qu?c
2012.10.10 Nh?n ???c ch?ng nh?n DNV CE pressure vessel certificate
2012 Nhà máy m?i ? Haishan
Van ch? Y
Name:Van ch? Y
Product model number: WY-C08YT-S, WY-C08YT-F, WY-C08YT-W
Application range:
Product Description
The standard type is closed by spring-action. When the actuator is pressured, the piston and valve plate is lifted up-the valve is open.
Body shape is flow optimized and thus handles flow better than conventional globe valve.
Light, smart and very compact, suit to supply on-off control.
Reliability of a positive metal to metal tight shut-off valve with lower actuation forces.
Body Material : CF8M
Suitable on dressing dyeing process.
End Connection : Screwed, Flange, Welding
Size : 1/2”~2-1/2”